lista najbolji 555 filomova svih vremena. Pogledala sam oko 60 filmova sa ove liste, svi su super. Kada ne znate koji film da uzmete da pogledate možete koristiti ovu listu:
1. 12 Angry Men – 12 Gnjevnih Ljudi - 1957 - Sidney Lumet
2. 12 Monkeys - 12 Majmuna - 1996 - Terry Gilliam
3. 2001 A Space Odyssey - 2001 Odiseja u svemiru - 1968 - Stanley Kubrick
4. 2046 - 2004 - Wong Kar Wai
5. 21 Grams - 21 Gram - 2003 - Alejandro González Iñárritu
6. 25th Hour - 25. Sat - 2002 - Spike Lee
7. 28 Days Later – 28 Dana Kasnije - 2002 - Danny Boyle
8. 5x2 - 2004 - Francois Ozon
9. 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance – 71 Fragments d’une chronologie du hasard- 1994 - Michael Haneke
10. 8½ - 1963 - Federico Fellini
11. A Beautiful Mind – Genijalni um - 2001 - Ron Howard
12. À bout de souffle – Do posljednjeg daha - 1959 - Jean-Luc Godard
13. A Clockwork Orange – Paklena Naranča - Stanley Kubrick
14. A Fistful of Dollars – Za šaku dolara- 1965 - Sergio Leone
15. A Nightmare on Elm Street – Strava u Ulici Brijestova - 1984 - Wes Crawen
16. A Room with a View - 1985 - James Ivory
17. A Scene at the Sea - 1991 - Takeshi Kitano
18. A Short Film About Killing – Kratki film o ubijanju - 1990 - Krzysztof Kieslowski
19. A Short Film About Love – Kratki film o ljubavi - 1990 - Krzysztof Kieslowski
20. A Streetcar Named Desire – Tramvaj zvani čežnja - 1951 - Elia Kazan
21. A Time for Drunken Horses - 2000 - Bahman Gobadi
22. Abre los ojos – Otvori oči - 1997 - Alejandro Amenábar
23. Absolute Power – Apsolutna moć - 1997 - Clint Eastwood
24. After Hours - 1985 - Martin Scorsese
25. Aguirre The Wrath of God - Aguirre, gnjev božji - 1972 - Werner Herzog
26. Ali - 2001 - Michael Mann
27. Alice in the Cities- Alisa u gradovima - 1973 - Wim Wenders
28. Alien - 1979 - Ridley Scott
29. Aliens - 1986 - James Cameron
30. All About Eve – Sve o Evi - 1950 - Joseph Mankiewicz
31. All About My Mother – Sve o mojoj majci - 1999 - Pedro Almodovar
32. All Quiet on the western front- Sve je tiho na zapadnoj fronti - 1930 - Lewis Milestone
33. All the Mornings of the World -1991 - Alain Corneau
34. Alphaville - 1965 - Jean-Luc Godard
35. Amadeus - 1984 - Milos Forman
36. Amarcord - 1973 - Federico Fellini
37. Amelie - 2001 - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
38. American Beauty – Američka ljepota - 1999 - Sam Mendes
39. American Graffiti - 1973 - George Lucas
40. American History X – Generacija X - 1999 - Tony Kaye
41. American Psycho – Američki psiho - 2000 - Mary Harron
42. Amores Perros – Pasja ljubav - 2000 - Alejandro González Iñárritu
43. Anatomy of a Murder – Anatomija jednog ubistva - 1959 - Otto Preminger
44. Andrey Rublyov - 1966 - Andrei Tarkovsky
45. Angel Heart – Anđelovo srce- 1987 - Alan Parker
46. Annie Hall - 1977 - Woody Allen
47. Antichrist - 2009 - Lars von Trier
48. Arizona Dream - 1993 - Emir Kusturica
49. As Good as It Gets – Bolje ne može - 1998 - James L. Brooks
50. As Tears Go By - 1988 - Wong Kar Wai
51. Ascenseur Pour Lechafaud – Lift za gubilište - 1958 - Louis Malle
52. Ashes of Time – Pepeo vremena - 1994 - Wong Kar Wai
53. Atlantic City - 1980 - Louis Malle
54. Au Hasard Balthazar – Sretno Baltazar - 1966 - Robert Bresson
55. Avatar - 2009 - James Cameron
56. Back to the Future I – Povratak u budućnost I - 1985 - Robert Zemeckis
57. Back to the Future II – Povratak u budućnost II - 1988 - Robert Zemeckis
58. Back to the Future III – Povratak u budućnost III- 1990 - Robert Zemeckis
59. Badlands - 1973 - Terence Malick
60. Bande à part –Neobična banda- 1964 - Jean-Luc Godard
61. Barry Lyndon - 1975 - Stanley Kubrick
62. Barton Fink - 1991 - Coen Brothers
63. Basic Instinct – Sirove Strasti - 1992 - Paul Verhoeven
64. Batman - 1989 - Tim Burton
65. Batman Returns - Batman se vraća - 1992 - Tim Burton
66. Beetlejuice - 1989 - Tim Burton
67. Before Sunrise - 1996 - Gün Doğmadan - Richard Linklater
68. Before Sunset – Prije svitanja - 2004 - Richard Linklater
69. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead – Prije što đavo sazna - 2008 - Sidney Lumet
70. Being John Malkovich -Biti John Malkovich- 1999 - Spike Jonze
71. Being There - 1979 - Hal Ashby
72. Benhur - 1959 - William Wyler
73. Benny's Video - 1992 - Michael Haneke
74. Berlin Alexanderplatz - 1980 - R.W. Fassbinder
75. Big Fish – Velika riba -2003 - Tim Burton
76. Big Lebowski - Veliki Lebowski - 1998 - Coen Brothers
77. Big Sleep - Büyük Uyku - 1946 - Howard Hawks
78. Bin-jip –Prazna kuća- 2004 - Kim Ki-Duk
79. Birds - Ptice - 1963 - Alfred Hitchcock
80. Birdy - 1984 - Alan Parker
81. Black Cat White Cat – Crna mačka bijeli mačak - 1999 - Emir Kusturica
82. Blade Runner - 1982 - Ridley Scott
83. Blood Simple - 1984 - Coen Brothers
84. Blow Out - 1981 - Brian De Palma
85. Blow-Up – Povećanje - 1965 - Michelangelo Antonioni
86. Blue Angel – Plavi Anđeo - 1930 - J.v. Sternberg
87. Blue Velvet – Plavi Baršun - 1986 - David Lynch
88. Bodas de Sangre – Krvava svadba - 1981 - Carlos Saura
89. Body Heat - 1981 - Lawrence Kasdan
90. Bonnie and Clyde - 1967 - Arthur Penn
91. Bound - 1996 - Wachowski Brothers
92. Bowling for Columbine - 2002 - Michael Moore
93. Braveheart – Hbro Srce- 1995 - Mel Gibson
94. Brazil - 1985 - Terry Gilliam
95. Breaking the Waves – Kroz Talase - 1996 - Lars von Trier
96. Brokeback Mountain - 2005 - Ang Lee
97. Breakfast at Tiffany's – Doručak kod Tiffany’s- 1961 - Blake Edwards
98. Bronenosets Potyomkin –Poklopnjača Potemkin - 1925 - Sergey Eisenstein
99. Caché - Skriveno - 2005 - Michael Haneke
100. Carlito's Way – Carlitov način - 1993 - Brian De Palma
101. Caro diario – Dear Diary - 1993 - Nanni Moretti
102. Carrie - 1976 - Brian De Palma
103. Casablanca - 1942 - Michael Curtiz
104. Casino - 1996 - Martin Scorsese
105. Cat On A Hot Tin Roof – Mačka na vručem limenov krovu - 1958 - Richard Brooks
106. Che - 2009 - Steven Soderbergh
107. Chicken Run – Kokoš u bijegu - 2000 - Peter Lord, Nick Park
108. Children of Men – Djeca čovječanstva- 2006 - Alfonso Cuarón
109. Chinatown – Kineska Četvrt - 1974 - Roman Polanski
110. Chungking Express - 1994 - Wong Kar Wai
111. Cidade de Deus – Božji grad - 2002 - Fernando Meirelles
112. Citizen Kane – Građanin Kane - 1941 - Orson Welles
113. City Light – Grad svjetla -1952 - Charlie Chaplin
114. Clerks – Trgovci- 1994 - Kevin Smith
115. Clockers - 1995 - Spike Lee
116. Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Bliski susreti treće vrste - 1977 - Steven Spielberg
117. Collateral - 2004 - Michael Mann
118. Corpse Bride – Mrtva Nevjesta - 2005 - Tim Burton
119. Cries And Whispers - 1972 - Ingmar Bergman
120. Crimes and Misdemeanors – Zločini i prekršaji - 1989 - Wood Allen
121. Crimson Gold – Krvavo zlato - 2003 - Jafar Panahi
122. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon – Tigar i zmaj - 2000 - Ang Lee
123. Dancer in the Dark – Ples u tami - 2000 - Lars von Trier
124. Dark City – Grad tame - 1998 - Alex Proyas
125. Dark Knight – Vitez tame - 2008 - Christopher Nolan
126. Das Boot – Podmornica - 1981 - Wolfgang Petersen
127. Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari – Kbinet Doktora Caligarija - Robert Wiene
128. Dawn of the Dead – Zora živih mrtvaca - 1978 - George Romero
129. Day of the Dead – Dan mrtvih - 1985 - George Romero
130. Day the Earth Stood Still –Dan kada je zemlja stala- 1951 - Robert Wise
131. Dayereh - Krug - 2000 - Jafar Panahi
132. Days of Heaven – Dani Raja - 1978 - Terence Malick
133. Dazed and Confused –Nesigurni i zbunjeni - 1993 - Richard Linklater
134. Dead Man – Mrtav Čovjek - 1995 - Jim Jarmush
135. Dead Man Walking – Odlazak u smrt - 1995 - Tim Robins
136. Dead Poets Society – Društvo mrtvih pjesnika - 1989 - Peter Weir
137. Dead Ringers –Smrtonosni blizanci - 1988 - David Cronenberg
138. Death In Venice – Smrt u Veneciji - 1971 - Luchino Visconti
139. Death Proof – Otporan na smrt - 2007 - Quentin Tarantino
140. Decameron - 1971 - P.P.Pasolini
141. Delicatessen - 1991 - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
142. Der Himmel über Berlin – Nebo nad Berlinom - 1987 - Wim Wenders
143. Desperado - 1995 - Robert Rodriguez
144. Dial M for Murder – Nazovi M radi ubistva - 1954 - Alfred Hitchcock
145. Die ehe der Maria Braun – Brak Marije Braun - 1978 - R.W. Fassbinder
146. Die Hard With a Vengeance – Umri Muški - 3 - 1994 - John McTiernan
147. Do the Right Thing - 1989 - Spike Lee
148. Doctor Zhivago - 1965 - David Lean
149. Dog Day Afternoon- Pasje posljepodne - 1975 - Sidney Lumet
150. Dogville - 2003 - Lars von Trier
151. Dolls - Lutke- 2002 - Takeshi Kitano
152. Donnie Darko - 2001 - Richard Kelly
153. Don't Look Now - 1973 - Nicolas Roeg
154. Double Indemnity – Dvostruka odšteta - 1944 - Billy Wilder
155. Down by Law - 1986 - Jim Jarmush
156. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - 1964 - Stanley Kubrick
157. Dressed to Kill - 1980 - Brian De Palma
158. Dumb and Dumber –Glup i gluplji - 1994 - Farelly Brothers
159. E.T - 1982 - Steven Spielberg
160. Ed Wood - 1994 - Tim Burton
161. Edward Scissorhands - 1990 - Tim Burton
162. Elephant - Slon- 2003 - Gus Van Sant
163. Empire of the Sun - 1987 - Steven Spielberg
164. Eraserhead - 1977 - David Lynch
165. Erin Brockovich - 2000 - Steven Soderbergh
166. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 2004 - Michel Gondry
167. Eternity and a Day - 1999 - Theo Angelopoulos
168. Europa - 1991 - Lars von Trier
169. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex... - 1972 - Woody Allen
170. Existenz - 1999 - David Cronenberg
171. Eyes Wide Shut - 1999 - Stanley Kubrick
172. Face Off - 1997 - John Woo
173. Faces - Lica - 1968 - John Cassavetes
174. Fahrenheit 451 - 1966 - Francois Truffaut
175. Fahrenheit 9/11 - 2004 - Michael Moore
176. Far Away the Clouds Escape - 1996 - Aki Kaurismäki
177. Fargo - 1995 - Coen Brothers
178. Fatal Attraction -1987 - Adrian Lyne
179. Faustrecht der Freiheit - 1974 - R.W. Fassbinder
180. Fearless - 1993 - Peter Weir
181. Femme Fatale - 2002 - Brian De Palma
182. Fight Club - 1999 - David Fincher
183. Fitzcarraldo - 1982 - Werner Herzog
184. For a Few Dollars More - 1964 - Sergio Leone
185. Forrest Gump - 1994 - Robert Zemeckis
186. Fucking Amal - 1998 - Lukas Moodysson
187. Full Metal Jacket - 1987 - Stanley Kubrick
188. Funny Games - 1997 - Michael Haneke
189. Gallipoli - 1981 - Peter Weir
190. Gangs of New York - 2002 - Martin Scorsese
191. The Grapes Of Wrath - 1940 - John Ford
192. Gladiator - 2000 - Ridley Scott
193. Gold Rush - 1924 - Charlie Chaplin
194. Gone With the Wind - 1939 - Victor Fleming
195. Good Night, and Good Luck - 2005 - George Clooney
196. Goodfellas - 1990 - Martin Scorsese
197. Grand Canyon - 1991 - Lawrence Kasdan
198. Grizzly Man - 2005 - Werner Herzog
199. Gwoemul - 2006 - Joon-ho Bong
200. Hable con ella - Talk to her - 2002 - Pedro Almodovar
201. Hair - 1979 - Milos Forman
202. -Halloween - 1978 - John Carpenter
203. Hana-Bi - 1997 - Takeshi Kitano
204. Hannah and Her Sisters - 1986 - Woody Allen
205. Happy Times - 2000 - Zhang Yimou
206. Happy Together - 1997 - Wong Kar Wai
207. Hard Boiled - 1991 - John Woo
208. Harold and Maude - 1971 - Hal Ashby
209. Heat - 1994 - Michael Mann
210. Heavenly Creatures - 1996 - Peter Jackson
211. Hero - 2004 - Zhang Yimou
212. High Fidelity - 1998 - Stephen Frears
213. High Noon - 1952 - Fred Zinneman
214. Hiroshima mon amour - 1959 - Alain Resnais
215. How Green Was My Valley - 1941 - John Ford
216. Husbands and Wives - 1992 - Woody Allen
217. Ice Age - 2002 - Chris Wedge
218. Ice Storm - 1997 - Ang Lee
219. Idi i smotri - 1985 - Elem Klimov
220. If... - Eğer...- 1969 - Lindsay Anderson
221. Im Lauf der Zeit - 1975 - Wim Wenders
222. In the Heat of the Night - 1967 - Norman Jewison
223. In the Mood for Love - 2000 - Wong Kar Wai
224. In the Name of the Father - 1993 - Jim Sheridan
225. Insider - 1999 - Michael Mann
226. Irréversible - 2002 - Gaspar Noé
227. It Happened One Night - 1934 - Frank Capra
228. It's a Wonderful Life - 1946 - Frank Capra
229. Ivan's Childhood - 1962 - Andrei Tarkovsky
230. Jackie Brown - 1997 - Quentin Tarantino
231. Jacob's Ladder - 1990 - Adrian Lyne
232. Jaws - 1975 - Steven Spielberg
233. Jerry Maguire - 1996 - Cameron Crowe
234. JFK - 1991 - Oliver Stone
235. Jules at Jim - Jules i Jim - 1961 - Francois Truffaut
236. Jurassic Park - 1993 - Steven Spielberg
237. Kafka - 1991 - Steven Soderbergh
238. Katzelmacher - 1969 - R.W. Fassbinder
239. Kes - 1970 - Ken Loach
240. Kids Return - 1996 - Takeshi Kitano
241. Kika - 1993 - Pedro Almodovar
242. Kiki's Delivery Service - 1989 - Hayao Miyazaki
243. Kill Bill Vol. 1 - 2003 - Quentin Tarantino
244. Kill Bill Vol. 2 - 2003 - Quentin Tarantino
245. King Kong - 2005 - Peter Jackson
246. King of Comedy - 1983 - Martin Scorsese
247. Kiss Me Deadly - 1955 - Robert Aldrich
248. La Ceremonie - 1996 - Claude Chabrol
249. La Dernier Metro - 1980 - Francois Truffaut
250. La Dolce Vita - 1960 - Federico Fellini
251. La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc - 1928 - Carl Dreyer
252. La Pianiste - 2001 - Michael Haneke
253. La Regle du Jeu - 1939 - Jean Renoir
254. La stanza del figlio - 2001 - Nanni Moretti
255. Ladri di Biciclette - 1948 - Vittorio De Sica
256. L'Âge d'or - 1930 - Luis Bunuel
257. Land and Freedom - 1995 - Ken Loach
258. Land of the Dead - 2005 - George Romero
259. L'Année dernière à Marienbad - 1961 - Alain Resnais
260. Last Tango in Paris -1972 - Bernardo Bertolucci
261. L'avventura - 1960 - Michelangelo Antonioni
262. Lawrence of Arabia - 1962 - David Lean
263. Le Beau Serge - 1958 - Claude Chabrol
264. Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie - 1972 - Luis Bunuel
265. Le grand bleu - 1988 - Luc Besson
266. Le notti di Cabiria - 1957 - Federico Fellini
267. Le Pas Suspendu De La Cigogne -1991 - Theo Angelopuolos
268. Le petit soldat -1963 - Jean-Luc Godard
269. Le samouraï - 1967 - Jean-Pierre Melville
270. Le scaphandre et le papillon - 2007 - Julian Schnabel
271. Leon - 1994 - Luc Besson
272. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg - 1964 - Jacques Demy
273. Les triplettes de Belleville - 2003 - Sylvain Chomet
274. Liebe ist kälter als der Tod - 1969 - R.W. Fassbinder
275. Life is Beautiful –La vita E bella - 1998 - Roberto Benigni
276. Lion King - 1994 - Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff
277. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - 1998 - Guy Ritchie
278. Long Goodbye - 1973 - Robert Altman
279. Lolita - 1962 - Stanley Kubrick
280. Lord of War - 2005 - Andrew Niccol
281. Los amantes del Círculo Polar - 1998 - Julio Medem
282. Lost Highway - 1997 - David Lynch
283. Lost in Translation - 2004 - Sofia Coppola
284. M -1931 - Fritz Lang
285. M.A.S.H. - 1970 - Robert Altman
286. Ma nuit chez Maud - 1969 - Eric Rohmer
287. Magnolia - 1999 - Paul Thomas Anderson
288. Mamma Roma - 1962 - P.P.Pasolini
289. Man on the Moon - 1999 - Milos Forman
290. Manhattan - 1979 - Woody Allen
291. Manhunter - 1986 - Michael Mann
292. Mar adentro - 2004 - Alejandro Amenábar
293. Marathon Man - 1979 - John Schlesinger
294. Match Point - 2006 - Woody Allen
295. Matrix - 1999 - Wachowski Brothers
296. Matrix Reloaded - 2003 - Wachowski Brothers
297. Matrix Revolutions - 2003 - Wachowski Brothers
298. Mean Streets - 1973 - Martic Scorsese
299. Memento - 2000 - Christopher Nolan
300. Metropolis - 1927 - Fritz Lang
301. -Midnight Cowboy - 1969 - John Schlesinger
302. Million Dolar Hotel - 1999 - Wim Wenders
303. Million Dollar Baby - 2004 - Clint Eastwood
304. Minnie and Moskowitz - 1971 - John Cassavetes
305. Miracle Worker - 1962 - Arthur Penn
306. Miracolo A Milano - 1950 - Vittorio De Sica
307. Missing -1982 - Costa Gavras
308. Mission Impossible - 1996 - Brian De Palma
309. Modern Times - 1936 - Charlie Chaplin
310. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 1975 - Monty Python
311. Moulin Rouge - 2001 - Baz Luhrmann
312. Mulholland Dr. - 2001 - David Lynch
313. My Beautiful Laundrette - 1985 - Stphen Frears
314. My Left Foot The Story of Christy Brown -1989 - Jim Sheridan
315. My Own Private Idaho -1991 - Gus Vant Sant
316. Mystic River - 2003 - Clint Eastwood
317. Naked - 1993 - Mike Leigh
318. Naked Lunch - 1991 - David Cronenberg
319. Nashville - 1975 - Robert Altman
320. Natural Born Killers - 1994 - Oliver Stone
321. Neighbors - 1920 - Buster Keaton
322. Nema-ye Nazdik - 1990 - Abbas Kiarostami
323. Network - 1976 - Sidney Lumet
324. Night of the Living Dead - 1968 - George Romero
325. No Country for Old Men - 2007 - Coen Brothers
326. North by Northwest - 1959 - Alfred Hitchcock
327. Nosferatu - 1922- F.W.Murnau
328. Notorious - 1946 - Alfred Hitchcock
329. Brother Where Art Thou - 2000 - Coen Brothers
330. Ocean's Eleven - 2001 - Steven Soderbergh
331. Old Boy - 2003 - Chan-wook Park
332. On the Waterfront - 1954 - Elia Kazan
333. Once Upon a Time in America - 1984 - Sergio Leone
334. Once Upon a Time in the West - 1968 - Sergio Leone
335. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest –Let iznad kukavičijeg gnjezda 1975 - Milos Forman
336. Ordinary People - 1980 - Robert Redford
337. Out of Africa - 1985 - Sydney Pollack
338. Out of Sight - 1999 - Steven Soderbergh
339. Pan's Labyrinth - 2006 - Guillermo del Toro
340. Paris Texas - 1984 - Wim Wenders
341. Pather Panchali - 1954 - Satyajit Ray
342. Peeping Tom - 1960 - Michael Powell
343. Perfume The Story of a Murderer - 2006 - Tom Tykwer
344. Persona - 1965 - Ingmar Bergman
345. Philadelphia - 1993 - Jonathan Demme
346. Philadelphia Story - 1940 - George Cukor
347. Piano - 1993 - Jane Campion
348. Pink Floyd The Wall - 1983 - Alan Parker
349. Pink Panther - 1962 - Blake Edwards
350. Pirates of the Caribbean - 2003 - Gore Verbinski
351. Platoon - 1986 - Oliver Stone
352. Pleasantville - 1999 - Gary Ross
353. Popiól i diament - 1958 - Andrjez Wajda
354. Psycho - 1960 - Alfred Hitchcock
355. Pulp Fiction - 1994 - Quentin Tarantino
356. Punch-Drunk Love - 2002 - Paul Thomas Anderson
357. Querelle - 1982 - R.W. Fassbinder
358. Raging Bull - 1980 - Martin Scorsese
359. Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1981 - Steven Spielberg
360. Rain Man - 1988 - Barry Levinson
361. Raising Arizona - 1987 - Coen Brothers
362. Ran - 1985 - Akira Kurosawa
363. Rashomon - 1950 - Akira Kurosawa
364. Rear Window - 1954 - Alfred Hitchcock
365. Rebel Without A Cause - 1955 - Nicholas Ray
366. Reconstruction - 2003 - Christoffer Boe
367. Repulsion - 1965 - Roman Polanski
368. Requiem for a Dream - 2000 - Darren Aronofsky
369. Reservoir Dogs - 1991 - Quentin Tarantino
370. Rio Bravo - 1958 - Howard Hawks
371. RoboCop - 1987 - Paul Verhoeven
372. Rocco and His Brothers - 1960 - Luchino Visconti
373. Rocky - 1976 - Sylvester Stallone
374. Roma Holiday - 1953 - William Wyler
375. Roma, città aperta - 1945 - Roberto Rossellini
376. Rosemary's Baby - 1968 - Roman Polanski
377. Rumble Fish - 1984 - F.F. Coppola
378. Run Lola Run - 1998 - Tom Tykwer
379. Russkiy kovcheg - 2002 - Aleksandr Sokurov
380. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom - 1975 - P.P.Pasolini
381. Saving Private Ryan - 1998 - Steven Spielberg
382. Scarface – Lice s ožiljkom 1983 - Brian De Palma
383. Scent of a Woman - 1992 - Martin Brest
384. Schindler's List - 1993 - Steven Spielberg
385. Scream - 1996 - Wes Craven
386. Seconds - 1966 - John Frankenheimer
387. Secrets & Lies - 1996 - Mike Leigh
388. Serpico - 1974 - Sidney Lumet
389. Servant - 1963 - Joseph Losey
390. Seven Samurai - 1954 - Akira Kurosawa
391. Seven- 1995 - David Fincher
392. Seventh Seal - 1956 - Ingmar Bergman
393. Sex Lies and Videotape - 1989 - Steven Soderbergh
394. Shadows - 1961 - John Cassavetes
395. Shaun of the Dead - 2004 - Edgar Wright
396. Shawshank Redemption - 1994 - Frank Darabont
397. Short Cuts - 1993- Robert Altman
398. Silence of the Lambs - 1991 - Jonathan Demme
399. Silent Movie - 1976 - Mel Brooks
400. Simple Men - 1992 - Hal Hartley
401. Sin City -2005 - Robert Rodriguez
402. Singin in the Rain - 1952 - Stanley Donen
403. Sixth Sense - 1999 - M.Night Shyamalan
404. Sleeper - 1973 - Woody Allen
405. Sleepless in the Seatle - - 1993 - Nora Ephron
406. Smoke - Dim- 1994 - Wayne Wang
407. Snake Eyes - 1998 - Brian De Palma
408. Solaris - 1972 - Andrei Tarkovsky
409. Some Like It Hot - 1959 - Billy Wilder
410. Sous le sable - 2002 - Francois Ozon
411. Sous Les Toits de Paris - 1930 - Rene Clair
412. Spaceballs - 1987 - Mel Brooks
413. Spellbound - 1945 - Alfred Hitchcock
414. Spirited Away - 2001- Hayao Miyazaki
415. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring - 2003 – Kim-ki Duk
416. Stagecoach - 1939 - John Ford
417. Stalker - 1979 - Andrei Tarkovsky
418. Star Wars - 1977 - George Lucas
419. Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace - 1999 - George Lucas
420. Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones - 2002 - George Lucas
421. Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - George Lucas
422. Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back- 1980 - Irwin Kershner
423. Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi - 1983 - Richard Marquand
424. Strange Days - 1995 - Kathryn Bigelow
425. Stranger Than Fiction - 2006 - Marc Foster
426. Stranger Than Paradise - 1982 - Jim Jarmush
427. Straw Dogs - 1971 - Sam Peckinpah
428. Sullivan's Travels - 1941 - Preston Sturges
429. Sunset Blvd - 1950 - Billy Wilder
430. Superman -1978 - Richard Donner
431. Suspiria - 1977 - Darie Argento
432. Sweeney Todd - 2007 - Tim Burton
433. Taste of Cherry - 1997 - Abbas Kiarostami
434. Taxi Driver - 1976 - Martin Scorsese
435. Teorema - 1968 - P.P.Pasolini
436. Terminator - 1984 - James Cameron
437. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - - 1991 - James Cameron
438. Terms of Endearment - 1983 - James L. Brooks
439. The 400 Blows - 1959 - Francois Truffaut
440. The Abyss - 1989 - James Cameron
441. The Apartment - 1960 - Billy Wilder
442. -The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 2007 - Andrew Dominik
443. The Baby of Mâcon -1993 - Peter Greenaway
444. The Belly of an Architect - 1987 - Peter Greenaway
445. The Big Chill - 1983 - Lawrence Kasdan
446. The Bird People in China -1998 - Takeshi Miike
447. The Blues Brothers - 1980 - John Landis
448. The Bourne Supremacy - 2004 - Paul Greengrass
449. The Breakfast Club - 1985 - John Hughes
450. The Commitments -1991 - Alan Parker
451. The Conformist - 1970 - Bernardo Bertolucci
452. The Conversation - 1975 - F.F.Coppola
453. The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover - 1989 - Peter Greenaway
454. The Crow - 1994 - Alex Proyas
455. The Departed - 2006 - Martin Scorsese
456. The English Patient - 1996 - Anthony Minghella
457. The Evil Dead - 1981 - Sam Raimi
458. The Exorcist - 1973 -William Friedkin
459. The Fisher King - 1991 - Terry Gilliam
460. The Fly- 1986 - David Cronenberg
461. The French Connection - 1971 - William Friedkin
462. The Fugitive 1993 - Andrew Dewis
463. The General - 1927 - Buster Keaton
464. The Getaway - 1972 - Sam Peckinpah
465. The Godfather Part I - 1972 - F.F.Coppola
466. The Godfather Part II - 1974 - F.F.Coppola
467. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 1966 - Sergio Leone
468. The Graduate - 1967 - Mike Nichols
469. The Great Dictator - 1940 - Charlie Chaplin
470. The Grifters - 1990 - Stephen Frears
471. The Hills Have Eyes - 1977 - Wes Craven
472. The Hours - 2002 - Stephen Daldry
473. The Hunger - 1983 - Tony Scott
474. The Lady from Shanghai - 1948 - Orson Welles
475. The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring - 2001 - Peter Jackson
476. The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King - 2003 - Peter Jackson
477. The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers - 2002 - Peter Jackson
478. The Machinist - 2004 - Brad Anderson
479. The Maltese Falcon - 1941 - John Huston
480. The Man Who Fell to Earth - 1976 - Nicolas Roeg
481. The Man Who Knew Too Much - 1956 - Alfred Hitchcock
482. The Man Who Wasn't There - 2001 - Coen Brothers
483. The Man Without a Past - 2002 - Aki Kaurismäki
484. The Match Factory Girl - 1990 - Aki Kaurismäki
485. The Meaning of Life - H 1983 - Monty Python
486. The Misfits -1960 - John Huston
487. The Nightmare Before Christmas - 1993 - Henry Selick
488. The Others - 2000 - Alejandro Amenábar
489. The Party - 1968 - Blake Edwards
490. The Passenger - 1975 - Michelangelo Antonioni
491. The Pianist - 2002 - Roman Polanski
492. The Player - 1990 - Robert Altman
493. The Royal Tenenbaums - 2001 - Wes Anderson
494. The Shining - 1980 - Stanley Kubrick
495. The Sting - 1973 - George Roy Hill
496. The Sweet Hereafter - 1997 - Atom Egoyan
497. The Thin Red line - 1998 - Terence Malick
498. The Truman Show - 199 - Peter Weir
499. The Untouchables - 1987 - Brian De Palma
500. The Usual Suspects - 1995 - Bryan Singer
501. The Wild Bunch - 1969 - Sam Peckinpah
502. The Wind That Shakes the Barley - 2006 - Ken Loach
503. Thelma and Louise - 1991 - Ridley Scott
504. There Will Be Blood - 2007 - Paul Thomas Anderson
505. They Shoot Horses, Don' They - 1969 - Sydney Pollack
506. Third Men - 1949 - Carol Reed
507. Three Colors Blue - 1993 - Krzysztof Kieslowski
508. Three Colors Red - 1994 - Krzysztof Kieslowski
509. Three Colors White - 1994 - Krzysztof Kieslowski
510. Three Days of the Condor - 1975 - Sydney Pollack
511. THX 1138 - 1971 - George Lucas
512. Tideland - 2005 - Terry Gilliam
513. Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! - 1990 - Pedro Almodovar
514. Time of the Gypsies 1989 - Emir Kusturica
515. Titanic - 1997 - James Cameron
516. Tokyo Story - 1953 - Yasujiro Ozu
517. Tootsie - 1983 - Sydney Pollack
518. Total Recall - 1990 - Paul Verhoeven
519. Touch Of Evil - 1958 - Orson Welles
520. Traffic - 2000 - Steven Soderbergh
521. Trainspotting - 1996 - Danny Boyle
522. Ulysses' Gaze - 1995 - Theo Angelopoulos
523. Un Chien Andalou - 1928 - Luis Bunuel
524. Un coeur en hiver - 1992 - Claude Sautet
525. Un condamné à mort s'est - 1956 - Robert Bresson
526. Un homme et une femme - 1966 - Claude Lelouch
527. Unbreakable - 2000 - M.Night Shyamalan
528. Underground - 1993 - Emir Kusturica
529. Une femme est une femme - 1961 - Jean Luc Godard
530. Unforgiven - 1992 - Clint Eastwood
531. Until the End of the World - 1991 - Wim Wenders
532. U-Turn - 1998 - Oliver Stone
533. V for Vendetta - 2005 - James McTeigue
534. Vertigo - 1958 - Alfred Hitchcock
535. Videodrome - 1983 - David Cronenberg
536. Violette Nozière - 1978 - Claude Chabrol
537. Viva Zapata - 1952 - Elia Kazan
538. Vivement Dimanche - 1983 - Francois Truffaut
539. Vivre sa vie - 1962 - Jean Luc Godard
540. Water Drops on Burning Rocks - 2000 - Francois Ozon
541. Week-end - - 168 - Jean-Luc Godard
542. Welcome to Sarajevo - 1997 - Michael Winterbottom
543. West Side Story - 1961 - Robert Wise
544. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane - 1962 - Sidney Lumet
545. When Harry Met Sally - 1989 - Rob Reiner
546. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - 1966 - Mike Nichols
547. Wild Strawberries - 1957 - Ingmar Bergman
548. Wizard of Oz - 1939 - Victor Fleming
549. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - 1988 - Pedro Almodovar
550. Women of the night - 1948 - Kenji Mizoguchi
551. X-Men - X2 - 2000-03 - Bryan Singer
552. You Can't Take It with You - 1938 - Frank Capra
553. Young Frankenstein - 1974 - Mel Brooks
554. Z - 1969 - Costa Gavras
555. 10 - 1979 - Blake Edwards
breakfast at tiffany's
film iz 1961 godine.direktor filma je blake edwards. glavne uloge glume Audey Hepburn i George Peppard. sigurno će te se svi sjetiti ove fotografije iz filma:

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super romantična komedija. prvi put kada sam pogledala ovaj film koncentrisala sam se na temu filma a onda sam drugi put ( isti dan) pogledala film samo zbog odjeće, elegncije, estetike glumaca i atmosfere.

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